Monday, May 18, 2009

entry 1

Since this is my first post i guess some sort of short introduction is due. For starters, Im Keith, a 29 yr old married father of three. Avid reader, writer, yogi, and self prescibed guru of all things political and religious. Sadly this post has nothing to do with anything stated in the previous sentence. It's actually a doctor ordered journal, see supposedly if i write down what I was doing every time I get a cluster headache then eventually I should see a pattern and learn to avoid certain activities, thus advoiding the headaches. (what about the ones that come for no reason right? i know:) So anyway today started off pretty average, I was abit excited about a new poem I had just submitted to The Nation, you know the left/liberal publication, and my doctor had given me a higher dosage of topomax which would finally put these headaches on thier ass for good. Whoopee!! Right? NO. Me being who I am, just had to test the waters and see how good the meds work. Plus my lawn was looking a bit shabby. "I'll just cut the front"I told myself, but it looked so good I had to finish it off, nevermind the sweet smell of gasoline, and all the strenuos work I'm to be advoiding. And just to top it off, i cut a few hedges, ahhh..... how nice. Whats that? that slight throbbing just above my right eye? Perhaps if I go in and sit down I can still advoid it, plus the meds should keep it at bay, right? Wrong.. Oh the pain, it's like some little person is sitting behind my eyeball and trying his best to push it out, like someones just keeps turning a corckscrew around but the cork (which is my eye) won't come unstuck, like, like.... it just hurts. So today I learned that during cluster outbreaks, I cant cut grass, but on a positive note I learned that this, this jounaling thing, actually helps, so maybe I'll go start another post and find somthing else to ramble on about. Until next cluster...Peace all.